The Jamaica Intellectual Property Office will be hosting an essay competition in 2020. All application forms are to be completed and submitted before Wednesday September 30, 2020. Please see details below: JIPO ESSAY COMPETITION 2020 Question: “Why are Intellectual Property Rights important to Small Island Developing States in the 21st Centur...

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Auto Skills Training (Literacy/Numeracy Sessions)

AutoSkills is a computer-based literacy programme offered in public libraries in collaboration with the Jamaica Foundation for Lifelong Learning (JFLL).  The programme offers courses in Reading and Mathematics delivered in 45-minutes computer sessions aimed at improving the literacy and numeracy skills of participants from basic to secondary level....

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Mock Job Interviews

Mock interviews are interactive sessions in which participants are given the opportunity to practice interviewing techniques and receive feedback and coaching on their performance. These sessions are conducted at select parish and branch libraries.

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Computer Training

Free Computer Training is offered to library members. This programme provides members with introductory computing skills in: Digital Literacy – e.g. Making a Digital Video Social Media – e.g. Email, Skype, Facebook, Blog Creation Basic Computer – Introduction to Computer Hardware and Software; Operating Systems; The Internet and the World Wide Web ...

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Remedial Reading/Literacy Sessions

Remedial Reading is offered in select parish and branch libraries with the aim of assisting library members to attain basic literacy. Trained volunteers are usually engaged for this service.

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